Terry Henderson - Glad You Like It; Jon. I Don't Have A Need For It, Since I Have The Amazon Cloud Player On My Android Phone.
11:03 AM
Jason Miller - +Terry Henderson Boy, that sounded like a sore spot.
Regarding Spotify, I used it through a proxy for a while a few years ago and loved it - I didn't like the search itself, but if you use their suggestions, Spotify can help you discover music in a really organic and spontaneous way (are you writing a blog post on this yet?)
Regarding Spotify, I used it through a proxy for a while a few years ago and loved it - I didn't like the search itself, but if you use their suggestions, Spotify can help you discover music in a really organic and spontaneous way (are you writing a blog post on this yet?)
11:05 AM
Lou Gagliardi - I have iTunes :P seriously though, why would I want spotify? What would it offer that iTunes doesn't yknow?
11:07 AM
Jonathan Barnes - I don't know yet, I imagine there will be enough already. Let me know if the world needs my expert opinion
11:07 AM - Edit
Lou Gagliardi - +Jason Miller I can get millions of songs for free through an offshore store (that's a T4A inside joke ;) +Terry Henderson will understand)..why would I want to pay $5? As I told someone on another thread, 'if i could afford x dollars, i wouldn't be wearing 5 year old glasses.'
11:09 AM
Terry Henderson - +Jason Miller In Sept. I Can Pay Apple $24.95 1 Time, And Make All My "Off Shore" Downloads Legit, At Way Better Quality, & Re Upload Them To The Amazon Cloud !! Lol,Lol.
11:13 AM
Jason Miller - +Lou Gagliardi Interesting view, but since you use iTunes, I assume you can either afford an iOS device, or songs from their store. So it comes down to, do you want $5 for 5 songs and keep them forever, or do you want $5 for 15 million songs, for a month (and on your iPod forever).
There are people who want the former, and people who want the latter, and people like me who are more interested in what Spotify looks like than how much music I have on my hard drive.
There are people who want the former, and people who want the latter, and people like me who are more interested in what Spotify looks like than how much music I have on my hard drive.
11:13 AM
Lou Gagliardi - No, I could afford an iOS device. I no longer can, especially now that it has a cracked screen, I can't replace it.
Plus, as +Terry Henderson I can go to an offshore store, and download the songs then when I eventually get the money pay to make them legit. Key words: when i get the money. Hence the use of an offshore store.
Plus, as +Terry Henderson I can go to an offshore store, and download the songs then when I eventually get the money pay to make them legit. Key words: when i get the money. Hence the use of an offshore store.
11:16 AM
Jason Miller - +Terry Henderson What are you defining as "better quality"? Spotify streams at 360kbps, which is the same quality you are getting from iTunes downloads. Also, do you really think iTunes will let you download songs from a subscription plan? without DRM? The recording industry would never let that happen.
So, yes, Apple is going to give Spotify a run for their money - but no, they are not going to single handedly change the recording industry to a non-DRM subscription system.
Also, you can find most songs you need using specially crafted Google search queries. It's not hard, that's what Songza used in their V1 product.
So, yes, Apple is going to give Spotify a run for their money - but no, they are not going to single handedly change the recording industry to a non-DRM subscription system.
Also, you can find most songs you need using specially crafted Google search queries. It's not hard, that's what Songza used in their V1 product.
11:19 AM (edited 11:20 AM)
Terry Henderson - Uh? I Thought Apple Already Did That 2 Years Ago, Along With Amazon's Help. No Body Does DRM, Anymore; Except For Movies, & TV Shows.
11:22 AM
Lou Gagliardi - +Terry Henderson I still have songs with DRM on them from iTunes. Though I might have bought them about 2-2.5 years ago. Shrugs
11:25 AM
Jason Miller - But you're looking at puchasedmedia. When you watch a film on Netflix, is it DRM free? When you listen to a song on Grooveshark, do they make it easy to download the song? (no, they run their entire AJAX and streaming API through an encrypted Flash proxy).
The new iTunes subscription model will not be like the current store. It will have DRM, in some form.
The new iTunes subscription model will not be like the current store. It will have DRM, in some form.
11:29 AM
Terry Henderson - Never Happen, "His Steviness" Will Tell The Labels To Pound Salt, & They Will ! IMHO.
11:38 AM
Jason Miller - I wouldnt mind having DRM. However, "His Steviness" had bloodywell better get me a good deal on a new MacBook Air next week.
11:40 AM
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