
Why Apple and Linux can't beat Windows

Windows has been around for a very long time, it has thrived, grown and finally took its first really big dive with vista.  Most technology oriented people know that Windows has never been the best choice.  Mac OS's have been easier and better looking for a very long time, and Linux has been better for programming and better for power users for a long time.  However, Linux and Mac both lack the one thing that users crave, Windows.

Windows continues to dominate the landscape because they dominated in the past.  Average every day people do not want to try new things.  They don't like new churches, new brands of cars, and especially they don’t like a new OS.  They also do not have any need for a new OS. The average computer user probably uses three to four applications a day.  The number one application the average computer user uses is a web browser, and since all versions of windows come with a web browser most windows users are happy.

Windows also has the wonderful distinction of being installed on every computer that can be found in a store. I hate to break it to you but, the store is where most people shop.  I know it seems crazy to me too, the average person likes to walk up to something look at it and use it.  The average person also finds a computer as a large purchase, so they do price comparisons.  The average person has no idea, what the extra $200 - $500 will get them when they buy a Mac.  Most shoppers also don't care what it will get them because they only want to get on the internet.

Finally, people continue to use windows because they don't even know what an operating system is.  A large number of people don't realize that there are alternatives to windows; they think that windows is a computer.  This is a huge problem; I am just as mystified by it as you are.  This  is like the average person thinking that Prius means hybrid car.  Can you imagine if someone said, “Hey, I heard Honda is starting to make a Prius vehicle".  For some reason this is how the computer industry currently is.

Windows will continue to be the operating system of choice for the average American, until the price of Mac OS's goes down, users do more than go online, and until users understand there are more options out there than just windows.

written by Jon  

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2 Response to Why Apple and Linux can't beat Windows

October 9, 2008 at 4:13 AM

just one comment on this post you say at the end
"Windows will continue to be the operating system of choice for the average American, until the price of Mac OS’s goes down, users do more than go online, and until users understand there are more options out there than just windows."
The price of the OS has nothing to do with Mac's being more expensive, it's that they pick their hardware. This has advantages and disadvantages. Advantage, support for a limited amount of hardware, no need to write a driver for every existing hardware variation, which makes integration with the OS much better, and more stable. Disadvantage, costs more, though the first step to reduce hardware costs was by switching to Intel processors.
And the fact that OS X costs $129.00, see apple store, with all the bells and whistles. While windows vista costs between $199.95-$319.95 depending on the version that you want, and most people are clueless which one is good for what. So it's not the price of the OS, it's the deals the hardware makers sign with Microsoft, or Apple. I use all three Operating systems, I guess I am a power user.

October 9, 2008 at 10:22 AM

You make a very good point, I guess I should have written, until the price of Macs come down. There are definitely advantages to using macs, I think there business model is a good one.

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